Why is supplementation important?

Jamie Chan, Bsc. in Food, Nutrition and Health

How do I properly supplement my day? Do I have to supplement everyday? What do I need? 

These are all common questions and knowing when and why to supplement allows our bodies to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As age progresses, adult bodies may not process and absorb food as well as they used to. For example, the pH in stomach acid may increase and, due to this, protein complexes may not fully unravel to be digested efficiently for the body to use. As well, for the general population, eating 6-7 servings of vegetables is not an easy task for some because they may not be able to eat a lot of food in a day. 

Supplementation benefits:

  • Ensuring that we are getting all of our micronutrients 
  • In forms that are easy to digest
  • Help with oxidative stress (easy to absorb/digest forms) 
  • Medication may deplete body’s nutrients and supplementation helps bring more to the body
  • Prevent micronutrient deficiencies (Ex. Taking vitamin D in places where you live that has less sun exposure) 

Generally speaking, the human body transitions to a period of maintenance once they hit around 30 years of age. At that time, it would be recommended to take multivitamins and calcium pills since the body’s growth reaches a plateau and begins to drop. Taking a multivitamin adds that extra kick of confirmation as it fills in the “gaps” of micronutrients you may have missed during the day. Calcium pills are great for bone maintenance as osteoclast activity (cells that break down bone) becomes more active than osteoblasts (cells that build bone). 

The best thing about supplementation is that it is available for anyone in any age range that has a specific goal. Athletes in their late teens and early twenties can supplement for exercise if they want to build more muscle because realistically, eating 150 grams of solid food protein in a day can be quite filling. After a workout, athletes and bodybuilders may drink a protein powder shake to fill their quota. Women are required to take a folate supplement before and during the time of pregnancy so that the brain and spinal cord function defects do not develop. 

Feel free to do your reflection of your diet to see if you are meeting the daily requirements.